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DCI has the capabilities to provide various back office transactions processes. DCI applies thorough criteria to assist clients recognize and prioritize outsourcing opportunities with its established experience across the entire range of processing, dealing with multiple systems for different types of processing at various levels. Expertise with diverse technology platforms and applications related with miscellaneous processes aids faster ramp-ups and reduces turn-around-times.





List of Services


·         Notifications

·         Claim Processing- Examination, Processing & Capture, Correspondence Settlement

·         Retirement Benefits Administration

·         Record Keeping

·         Regulatory Reporting

·         Loan Adjustments and Transfers

·         Processing of Consumer Banking, Commercial Banking & Treasury Products.

·         Payment Processing

·         Statement Generation

·         System Setup

·         Interest Accruals

·         Limit Monitoring

·         Data Input

·         Accounting Entry

·         MIS Reporting

·         Customer e-mail and Database Management